What makes someone want to be a Business Educator?

Last December, SBTA member and godfather of Saskatchewan Business Education, Dr. Cyril Kesten wrote an interesting article for the MBEA (Massachusetts Business Educators Association) blog. The article considers what makes someone want to a be Business Educator. Take some time to read the article and then maybe give Dr. Kesten a thank you for all he has done for Saskatchewan Business Education!

What makes someone want to be a Business Educator?

12/16/2016 Guest Blogger Cyril Kesten

Why do we Teach? How did we get here? What makes someone want to be a Business Educator?
I regularly teach the first year introduction to education course in our teacher education program. The students come from all disciplines and programs. They include prospective early childhood teachers, elementary school teachers, middle year teachers, arts educators, French immersion teachers and high school teachers from all the high school disciplines (except Business Education but that’s another story for another day!).

The majority of these students graduated from high school the previous spring and are experiencing their first year of post secondary education. All of them have applied to and been accepted into one of our teacher education programs. Given my own circuitous route to teaching I have always been interested in what motivates a young person, or any teacher, to come to this profession. But beyond that I wonder, as teachers and particularly as business educators what we owe our students at the high school level? What should we be doing for them?

Continue Reading on MBEA website.

Save the Date - 2017 SBTA Conference and High School Case Competition

2017 SBTA Conference and High School Business Case Competition

The 2017 SBTA Conference and High School Business Case Competition is fast approaching!



2017 SBTA Conference and High School Case Competition

Save the Date - 2017 SBTA Conference and High School Case Competition

This year marks the 6th annual High School Business Case Competition, which will be hosted at the Hill School of Business on the campus of the University of Regina.

The SBTA is extremely excited to announce that Rachel Mielke, the Founder and CEO of Hillberg & Berk will be the keynote speaker at the Conference and Case Competition dinner on May 4th.

Registration information will be coming very soon! Stay tuned.