Personal Finance Workshop

Personal Finance teachers, we are getting together to help plan for our upcoming year. We are going to meet in Regina to discuss ideas, resources, and planning. Come out and have a day of fun and save yourself hours of planning as we work together to help our students make great future decisions.

The workshop will be hosted at the University of Regina in room 619 of the Education Building, Tuesday July 28th from 09h00 until 15h00.

If you can’t make it but would still like to make some connections with other Personal Finance teachers, contact Connie Perrault.

Personal Finance Workshop 2015

5th Annual Teachers’ Conference & Student Case Competition

Keynote Speaker

Jane Rooney – Canada’s First Financial Literacy Leader – Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

5th Annual Teachers’ Conference & Student Case Competition

Thursday, May 5th and Friday, May 6th, 2016
University of Saskatchewan
Edwards School of Business

Honourable Russ Marchuk Attends SBTA Conference

The Honourable Russ Marchuk will be attending the 2013 SBTA Conference and Case Competition!!!

Save the Date

The 2014 Conference and Case Competition are just around the corner. The registration and information around the first ever “Creating Connections” event are below!

See you at the Edwards school of Business on May 8th and 9th!